
This is my Valentine's Day Present for my friend, James. Also, you can go to my page!

[E-mail me!]

Here are some stories that I wrote.

A story for James, AKA An Ode to James

A poem I wrote

A short story that I wrote

A short story that my best friend wrote about the same subject of mine above.

A story about our school that another friend wrote

The Day of Death A story that I wrote for a Lit. assignment. It is a journal entry about Columbine High School.

Like, uh, Whatever! I wrote a satirical article to be included in a magainze my Lit. class made. A little warning, if you don't like to hear jokes about Valley-girl's or extreme preps, don't read!!

The End of the Beginning Yet another story that I wrote for my Lit. class. We had to write a story in the same style that Hemmingway (A Farewell to Arms, The Old Man and the Sea) used. It's not about any specific person, but rather anyone.

It All Returns to Nothing is another story by my best friend. Read it, it is good!

Look! This many people have visited me.

Last updated on Wednesday Feb. 16, 1999
